Friday, February 27, 2009

Small Victories

  • One string art project finished! The appropriateness of the design will be seen in the next incident.
  • My youngest daughter was troubled that two of her friends were fighting. Playing the peacemaker, she remembered a Bible verse that we had recently memorized and quoted it to them. It worked! I told her that was a good example of USING the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. (Isn't it amazing that a sword could bring peace?)
  • My teenage son is learning how to wake up using an alarm clock. Why should such a mundane thing be considered a victory? Because this kid has suffered from sleep abnormalities all of his life. Morning wake-up has always been a trial for him (and for the one charged with seeing he is up--that would be me).
  • I have learned how to make tri-fold brochures :) Sounds silly, I know, because it is really not all that hard. But I have been dependent on others to do this for me and it feels good to be able to do it myself!
  • Melody has saved her portion (25%) of the cost to have her piano recording professionally mixed and mastered. We should have this done by next month.
  • I'm making progress cataloging, sorting, and reviewing my personal book library via the site Goodreads. This is a fun project, one I hope that I can keep current; at least a little more current than my family photo album. Ahem. Guess there's always room for another victory!

Small accomplishments bring great rewards, not the least of which is the desire to keep moving ahead. The apostle Paul said, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." I like that our movement through life is upward!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

an interesting string art project! have never heard of this - although many years ago I made (one) card with sewing thread art... for what its worth:-)