At first glance, the Biblical priest Aaron appears to be slighted by the LORD when he was told,
"You shall have no inheritance in their land nor own any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the sons of Israel." Numbers 18:20
A closer look, however, reveals that Aaron received the most extravagant gift---a gift that made him infinitely richer than his brothers.
The gift was God Himself.
Whenever another person gives the gift of self, he/she is displaying an aspect of God's very nature. When I give of myself to another, I am putting His character on display and this action changes me. Every time I make the choice to give of myself, I'm a little less attached to the material world and a little more invested in eternity. I am being changed from glory to glory, until at last I reach the full stature of maturity, fully bearing the image of Christ to a fallen world.
"God's gifts are many; His best gift is one. It is the gift of Himself." ~~A.W. Tozer
1 comment:
"Whenever another person gives the gift of self, he/she is displaying an aspect of God's very nature. When I give of myself to another, I am putting His character on display and this action changes me. Every time I make the choice to give of myself, I'm a little less attached to the material world and a little more invested in eternity. I am being changed from glory to glory, until at last I reach the full stature of maturity, fully bearing the image of Christ to a fallen world."
Absolutely inspiring.
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