Saturday, November 04, 2006

Midlands Painter: Keith Jacobshagen

"Elsewhere, the sky is the roof of the world, but here the earth was the floor of the sky." Willa Cather, describing New Mexico

I live in Nebraska, the "elsewhere" of Cather's quote. Here the sky is the focal point of the landscape and its ever-changing glory earns its description as the "roof of the world."

Painter Keith Jacobshagen has mastered the nuances of light, the variety of cloud formations, the stunning array of colors, and the sheer vastness of the Nebraska sky.

Here is the Omaha World Herald's description of Keith Jacobshagen, dated July 9, 2006:
"Think of Jacobshagen as the Ted Kooser of Nebraska painters. Like the U.S. Poet laureate emeritus, he's a down-to-earth Midlands lover who could have been successful in bigger, busier places but stayed here to mine more subtle gems."

View some of his paintings here:

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